-Tentang Saya - About me -僕のこと

I was an anime and game addict. [ever since I'm too busy with all sorts of stuff I seldom involving myself with those stuff ]
My age? Make a guess. Favorite J-rock band.. One Ok Rock, Uverworld and PTP [Pictures and Same as You are]
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Saturday, 6 June 2015

Blood C, The last Dark



I didn't get to watch anime frequently BUT then yesterday the network was quite good so
 I watched Blood C, the last dark.

It was awesome [the slaying part of course]

but I don't like it that much due to exploitation of women. Lots of anime shows nudity but usually for women they wont show the tits but in this movie, the moment where Saya had a nightmare and she was then covered in blood.. I can see those tits.


Off to the storyline.she hunts Fumito.
Sha hates fumito... ok I get it but then Fumito actually loves her and make all this mess for Saya??

That makes me feel quite .........
If you love her couldn't you just say it to her????
but then he kissed Saya and died/vanish [SPOILERSS sorry]

Why does it have to be like this [cries]

In the final fight Saya vs Fumito the graphic was AWESOME!!!!!
It reminds me of Devil May Cry 4.
it really does resembles a video game.. well hopefully they will consider to make it into a video game.

The story gets a bit complicated so you might even end up making a list of who betrayed who etc.

Watanuki was in the Movie~~~~~~
but those twins and mokona wasn't there.

First Year : Final Examination.


Yea... Final Examination starts tomorrow and for this whole week, we had a few study groups though I was a bit stressed when they don't carry out the discussion without me.

Banyak ragam yang aku perhatikan.
Ada yang gila nyanyi
Ada yang suka sangat tanya sampaikan orang boleh tertekan
dan ada juga yang..... tiada sebarang common sense

Kadang2 terfikir macam mana selama ni dia hidup.

tips : belajar lah dari awal, jangan nak last minute catch-up nanti jadi ketchup

Sia2 ja stay-up, migraine teruk. Study smart and play it well.

Selang 20 minit fokus, mula lah sorang2 start nyanyi haha.
Aku pula melayan Video Politik biasalah.... Lagi2 dengar khabar ada orang tu main sembunyi-sembunyi. X puas main masa kecik2 kot. hoho.

Hujan turun lebat dan kami terkandas di DKP baru. payung ada satu, kami pula berempat. kelaparan, kehausan, kegilaan dan jadi hidangan nyamuk...

X lama kemudian.... dia datang, dengan nasi gorengnyaa~~~~~
x sangka laki sanggup masak untuk kwn2. Selalunya perempuan yang sponsor mkn atau tolong masak hoho.

Nasi Goreng with telur yang berjaya membakar semangat kami meneruskan ulangkaji dari pukul 9mlm hingga 12pagi.

We arrived at DKP, 10am. yeaa.....sesi study kali ni dari 10 pagi sampai 12 pagi keesokan hari. 

Terdapat beberapa gegaran susulan yang berlaku tapi kami study di basement dan asyik goyang gelak ketawa bila sorang mula buat perangai, yang lain pun turut serta. 
Tiba2 ada sent whatsaap, "weh rasa x gempa tadi, roommate aku menjerit kot"

krik krik.. kami x rasa apa2 pun.

Budak zaman sekarang stress bukan sebab blaja tapi sebb kejar pointer.
Memang pointer penting tapi kalau kita ubah pemikiran kita terhadap pelajaran, it will bee more beautiful.
Waktu nak study boleh tanya soalan target masuk exam. TAPI jangan nak obses sangat dengan target tu. 
-Belajarlah kerana ingin mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan
-Belajarlah walau penat pun kerana penat itu lebih baik daripada keperitan menjadi bodoh.

My Earthquake/tremor Experience


Malaysia. Yup people always say that it is safe from earthquake etc but don't forget that Allah is Powerful and Almighty, anything can happen.

5 June 2015, Friday

6.0 Magnitude earthquake happens in Sabah.
I was in my dorm on the third floor cooking half boiled egg for breakfast and suddenly the buildings start to shake.
At first I thought it was a group of monkey happens to land on top of the roof making noises and looking for food in the trash but then I realized that it really is an Earthquake!!

It happens for a few seconds but it did make us a bit panic and lots of question as we never encounter an earthquake before. A new experience. 

My roommate was scared and search for me (hug me).

The next thing I did was looking outside the window.

"Lets see, the sun is still at its place so ..... it is not the end of the world,,, yet? "

Half Boiled Egg-Monster for breakfast after 15 seconds of 6.0M earthquake tremor in Kota Kinabalu.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Shopping = money management failed again? ugh life


went shopping for my stuff this evening. I was hoping that I won't exceed RM50 but then....
before that I ate chicken-lecious set in Marry brown for RM13.80
i guess that I do save some money since usually I'll be dining in Kenny Rogers, Sushi King, Pizza hut, KFC, Big apple etc.

A quarter meal in Kenny's is about RM20, my favourite drinks would cost around RM15.
I have money but when I do have certain targets in my head (camera set, field trip fees etc) I somehow become stingy ^_^'

From what I experienced, the place that I settle in has quite high humidity so I don't favour buying bread and keep it in my closet etc. It gets mould quickly. Hence it's better to buy biscuits.

When i was in primary school, they said instant noodles are not good for you. Being a student with such hectic environment, you need to be fast and on the move so instant thing are your best friend.
Every morning in the faculty, Dr Collin will be running to his office to grab his mug fill it with coffee, run down towards the hot water machine and climb up to his office. Everyone thought that he was exercising but then my theory was right (hoho).

Next time, I should look at price promotion just like Jun did. To me i find it a bit troublesome and yeah it makes me feel like a housewife (the one in drama who really fight for cheap quality stuff for her family)


I'm back!


I guess that I left this blog without new updates for a long time. I was too busy spending my time with books, anime and drama.

whats new?
I'm now studying for my degree. Yeay.
Matriculation was a lesson for me. I didn't get 3 pointer but I got lots of experience on how to study whatsoever.

I'm in University Malaysia Sabah, forestry science.
It's quite fun to know more about nature.
Besides I don't have to wear baju kurung and all those skirts often. [Lets get into the jungle huweeeeeee]

First semester was great.
Now I just started my second semester and I'm facing huuuuuge problem where I need to make letters to lecturer etc as I'll be leaving Malaysia for two weeks.

two weeks of lecture and lab reports.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

I'm proud to fly with Malaysia Airlines and will continue to do so.

MH370 is still a mystery, then there it goes MH17

It's a bit sad and it even keep my tear falling when looking at the pictures of the dead passengers of MH17.

How would you feel if you were one of the passenger?
Knowing that the plane was being hit, there were fire, the pilot was trying the best they can to save everyone by emergency landing [even some people do have trauma when the airplane touchdown normally] , having no where to run.

Everyone will die eventually, so I think there is no need to make it into a big issue by saying

"Hey, I'm not gonna ride Malaysia Airlines. I'll be dead"

Stop making such nonsense. When the time is up, you'll die.
You can even die when you sleep, slip in bathroom, choke as you eat m&m...etc

If a Malaysia Airline's family were to read this....

I'm a Malaysian, I'm proud to travel via Malaysia Airlines and I will continue to fly with you.
Keep holding on, don't mind  those negative thoughts, be strong and give the best service.


I want to be healthy and SLIM!!!

Yo, hi there

Okay, now is the Holy Month of Ramadan
Like any girl, they'll be like

"I want to be slim"

"I want to lose 10 kilos"

"I want to lose those saggy arms etc"

haha.. well, for me... I end up gaining more weights in Ramadan since mom will cook lots of thing for sahur and she bought lots of food from the bazaar Ramadan for iftar.

If you don't eat them, it'll be a waste and mom will make that :-(

for those people out there who wants to be slim,
don't eat too much and have plenty of exercise